CFAL/NetCIL Software Update Instructions


Applies to:  CFAL Client, NetCIL Desktop Client


Updated: 12/17/2015


Quick link: Installing minor updates


If you are a NetCIL Online user, or if you allow us to remotely access your network, all software components are updated automatically. These instructions apply only to the use of CFAL or NetCIL Client on stand-alone computers or on isolated local area networks.

Software updates are detected by NetCIL Manager. In the case of the Manager itself, the application will poll the NetCIL website for updates whenever it is run. You can also manually check for updates to all applications by selecting File…Check for Updates from The Manager menu as shown below.

Manager is updated several times/year in order to ensure compatibility with agency reporting requirements. Other updates are delivered on an ad-hoc basis whenever necessary. When an update becomes available, it must be installed in order to continue using NetCIL Manager; the entire update process takes only a few seconds.

NetCIL IRLog is updated infrequently; the application will periodically poll the ed2c website for updates when the application is run. Users can also select  “Check for Updates” from the IRLog menu as shown below.


CFAL and NetCIL Client applications are updated frequently, but notifications are generated only for major releases like 1.x. For example, if you’re running version 1.7 and version 1.8 becomes available, you will be notified. However, you will not be notified of intermediate releases like 1.82, but you can always install them directly from the NetCIL website:

The current versions of all applications are listed on the website, and they can be installed to any workstation at any time by selecting the appropriate link.

NetCIL Manager also checks for updates to NetCIL Client. Installation files are downloaded to a \Setup subfolder below the folder where your file server is located. A small text file that accompanies the installation file, called “version.txt”, is read by software to determine if an update notification message should be generated. If you operate in a multi-user environment, you can update your entire installation with an intermediate release if you wish by following this procedure:

  1. Run NetCIL (or CFAL) Client. Select the link at the bottom of the main screen to open a window to the folder where your file server is located as shown below.

  1. Open the Setup sub-folder in the window that you opened in step 1.
  2. If present, delete all of the files that are found in the subfolder.


  1. Run NetCIL Manager and select File…Check for updates as shown at the beginning of this document. You will be notified that a new version of NetCIL Client is available. Respond “Yes” when prompted to download the update.
  2. In the setup folder that you opened in step 2, edit the first line of version.txt so that the version number matches the value of the version that is found on the website as shown above.

  1. When users run NetCIL Client, they will receive a “new version” notification message if the version that they are running is less than the value that is stored in version.txt. If you wish to disable “new version” notifications, simply edit version.txt so that the first line reads 0.


Some updates require a modification to the back-end file server structure where your data is located. Doing so requires exclusive access to the file server. In such cases, when an update to the first workstation on a network is run, a notification will be issued that all other users should exit NetCIL applications until the update is performed; thus it’s recommended to apply updates early in the morning or late in the day. If a file server update is needed, the first workstation to be updated will perform the file server update as well. Subsequent workstation updates can then be performed while other users are connected. If you have workstations on your network that still run Windows XP, it’s recommended that you perform workstation updates one at a time, exiting all NetCIL applications after the update and before updating the next workstation.


Installing minors updates


Method 1: Install on your workstation directly from the NetCIL website:         


Method 2:

  1. Run NetCIL Manager, then select File…Check for Updates.
  2. Even if Manager indicates that NetCIL Client is current, select “Download.” Updated installation files will be moved to your network.
  3. Run NetCIL Client. Select the “NetCIL” ribbon, then select “Reinstall App”. Doing so ensures that the most recent version will be installed.
  4. You can check the NetCIL Client version number from the main screen by selecting “About” (ALT-1).



If you need any assistance with software updates, please contact ed2c technical support.


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