New York ACCES-VR – NetCIL Client Data Collection Protocol

Revised 6/22/2013


ACCES VR 2013 Reporting Changes – Services by Funding Source



Following these instructions will ensure the accuracy of statistics that you provide via the New York State ACCES VR Report.  Before you begin data entry, please consider the following NetCIL Client database concepts:



1.  Definition of a Consumer


People in the NetCIL Client database are categorized by their Contact Type on the People form.  When you first begin to interact with someone, it’s usually because they are seeking information and referral assistance; therefore when a new person is entered into the NetCIL Client database, their Contact Type defaults to Information and Referral.  When you develop a CSR for someone, they then become a Consumer, and you should set their Contact Type accordingly.  To do so, you must provide the necessary demographics required by ACCES VR. If some mandatory information is missing, a message will appear, showing the missing fields and the contact type will be reset to “Information & Referral”. If all mandatory fields are filled out, once you set the contact type to “Consumer”, a note will be automatically be posted saying that the “Person becomes a consumer” and the date field will automatically be filled out with today’s date. This can be changed to reflect the actual CSR. Please note that the date entered will determine whether the consumer is “New” or “carried over” during the reporting period. Once set, the database will never automatically change a person’s contact type.


2.  Definition of Transactions


Every Case Note, Work Log Entry, Provision of Service, or Goal is considered by the NetCIL Client database to be a transaction.  Each transaction has an associated date, which normally will be written automatically as the current date and time when a record is entered.  You can always edit the dates of any of your records.   In order for statistics regarding these transactions to be included in a report, the transaction dates must fall within the reporting period.


3.  Definition of Served


A consumer will be considered Served during the reporting period only if a Service is selected for the Services drop down list within the Notes or Referrals forms of NetCIL Client.


The same logic applies for ACCES VR Section III and Section IV statistics: all other people (non consumers) in the database will be listed as Served if a service is recorded during the reporting period, regardless of their status.






How to record data for the ACCES VR Report:


Data for most sections of the ACCES VR report can be recorded in the People form. Data for Sections IIF (Employment Status) and IIG (Education) must be recorded by using the People form.


Section I – Demographic Data for People with CSRs


Only those people whose Contact Type is set to Consumer or Inactive Consumer will be counted in Section I statistics.  Inactive Consumers will only be counted if they became inactive after the start of the reporting period and if services were recorded prior to them becoming inactive.



Section I.A - Age:


Age is calculated automatically based on date of birth and the end date of a report.  If date of birth is unknown and you want to change the contact type to “Consumer”, a warning message will appear to let you know that the age is missing. If you don’t know the exact date of birth, just enter an approximate age in the field, the date of birth will be set to 1/1/yyyy as a convention and the “Est” (estimated) check box will be automatically checked.


Section I.B - Gender:


If gender is set to Trans/Unknown and you want to set the contact type to “Consumer”, a warning message will appear to let you know that the gender must be set to either male or female.


Section I.C - Race:


Select the appropriate Race from the dropdown box.  Native Hawaiians will be counted with American Indian or Alaskan Native on the ACCES VR report.  The categories are separated in order to maintain compatibility with the federal RSA/704 report.  For ACCES VR reporting, record Pacific Islanders as Asian and Hispanic ethnicity by using the dropdown box.  If no Race is selected and you want to set the contact type to “Consumer”, a warning message will appear to let you know that you must enter a race in the drop down list.



Section I.D – Employment Status: 


To record Employment Status:


1.          Retrieve the consumer record using the People Form.

2.          Open the Employment form (Employment History button) and select an Employment Type from the dropdown list.  All other data is optional.


The most recent record (as determined by Start Date) will be used for ACCES VR reporting.


Section I.E – Education: 


To record Education data:


1.          Retrieve the consumer record using the People Form.

2.          Open the Education form (Education History button) and select the appropriate category from the Education dropdown list.  If the category description does not match one of the standard ACCES VR categories, or if no record is found, education level will be reported as Unknown.


The most recent record (as determined by Date) will be used for ACCES VR reporting.


Section I.F - County served

To be counted in this category, the contact type must be set to “Consumer” and the record must have a valid county listed. Consumers without a county will be recorded as “unknown”

Section I.G - Veterans Served


To be counted in this category, the person must be set as a “Consumer” and the “Veteran checkbox” on the People form must be checked. 



Section II A thru F – Disability Data:


A consumer’s primary disability determines how they are reported to ACCES VR. Try to select a primary disability that best describes the consumer’s condition according to one of the standard ACCES VR report categories.  If the consumer’s condition is a combination of disabilities, please record each disability separately, using the “Additional Disability” form.  Please note that the people listed with more than one disability will be counted on Section II- F: Multiple Disability only if the disabilities selected are in different ACCES VR: Cognitive, Physical, Mental and Sensory. For example: if a person has autism and low vision, they will count in both categories separately and they will also be included in the “Multiple Disability” category. But if you select “autism” and “learning disability”, the person will only count as having “autism” since “learning disability” is within the same category (cognitive).    


You can configure your own list of disabilities through NetCIL Manager in the Disability section of the Config tab.  List as many as are necessary in a consumer’s profile.  In order for these disabilities to be properly recorded on the ACCES VR Report, each disability in your list must be associated with a standard State Disability category.  



Section III – Total People Served During Year: 


If a Consumer is no longer active, has moved or withdrawn from programs, you may want to de-activate them prior to running your ACCES VR report 


To de-activate a consumer:


1.          Retrieve the consumer record using the People form - change Contact Type to Inactive Consumer and select Enter or Tab.


2.          A new window will automatically open. Select a Reason for Deactivation and an applicable Date so that the reason will be properly recorded.  If no reason is selected, Other will be assumed.


3.          This process will automatically add a note Consumer Becomes Inactive in the consumer’s history record, listing the reason for deactivation and recording the selected date.


4.          This process will also automatically drop any open goals by writing an Actual End Date and selecting Dropped in the Outcome Score list.  If any Grant or program was linked to the consumer (Grant History button), an automatic Inactive Date will be written.   


The date that you specify will determine whether or not a consumer is listed as inactive for a given reporting period.  For example, if a consumer is listed as inactive but the date of deactivation is after the end date of a report, the consumer will still be listed as active for that report.


Once a de-activation case note is written, the consumer will be listed as inactive for all reports that end after the date of deactivation.  If a consumer re-activates, change their contact type back to Consumer. A new note will automatically appear, and the category Consumer Re-activates will be selected.  The consumer will then be listed as active for all reporting periods during which the consumer was once again active.



Section III A – People with disabilities: 


Every served person in your database will be included in this category if they are listed with a Primary Disability, regardless of their Contact Type. Please note that for an Information & Referral contact type to be included in this category, a primary disability must be entered and at least one Information & Referral service must be provided during the reporting period.


Section III B – Family members/ significant others: 


To record information about family members or significant others:


1.          Set the Contact Type (People Form) to Collateral - Family/Friend.

2.          All served Collateral-Family/Friend people in your database will be included in this category.


Section III C – Other non-disabled: 


To record information about other non-disabled people:


1.          Set the Contact Type (People Form) to any category except Consumer, Inactive Consumer, or Collateral - Family/Friend.

2.          Ensure that the Primary Disability field is blank.

3.          Every served person in your database who meets these criteria will be included in this category.


Section III D – Total consumers projected in contract to be served: 


As long as a consumer is considered to be served (Contact Type Consumer), they will also be considered as projected to be served.  Any consumer who has been de-activated will not be included in this category, regardless of the date of deactivation.


Section III E – Total consumers receiving direct services: 


Every person whose Contact Type (People Form) is set to Consumer, with a service recorded during the reporting period (through the Notes or Referral forms) will be included in this category, along with Inactive Consumers whose date of de-activation falls within a reporting period.





Section III F CSRs returning that were served during prior reporting years:


To be counted in this category, an individual has the following criteria:

-          Contact Type must be set to Consumer or Inactive Consumer

-          A service must be recorded in either the Notes or Referrals form in the year prior to the reporting period.

-          A service must be recorded in either the Notes or Referrals form in the current reporting year.


Section III G - CSRs started (new) since Oct. 1 of report year:   


To be counted in this category, an individual record must have the following criteria:

-          Contact Type must be set to Consumer or  Inactive Consumer

-          The Initial Entry date or the Person becomes a Consumer date is within the current reporting year.

-          A service must be recorded in either the Notes or Referrals in the current reporting year.    


Section III H - Total CSRs served during report year (F+G): 


Add section F and G together. The number should match the CSRs data in section I          


Section III I - Businesses/Agencies served:


To include data in this category, perform the following steps:


1.      From the Main Form, press the Work Log button.

2.      Make a Work Log entry and enter as much information as is pertinent.  Make sure to specify an Organization from the dropdown list.  If the organization has not been previously entered, you will be given the option of adding it.

3.      All organizations for which a Work Log entry has been recorded during a reporting period will be included in Section III ACCES VR statistics.  Each organization will be counted only once.


Section IV – Individual Services – No. of Persons Served:


Service information will be reported in Section IV of the ACCES VR report regardless of a person’s status.  A person can be counted in as many service categories as are pertinent, but they will be counted only once per category.


There are two basic ways to record the provision of a service, and each is designed to accommodate a different circumstance:


1.      For a single instance of a service provided on a single date, write a note (Notes button on the People Form) and specify the service in the Services dropdown edit box.


2.      For provision of a service which will require a referral to a staff and/or an organization, make an entry into the Referrals section of the People form.  You can also use the NetCIL IRLog application to record services.  When using the Referrals section of the People form, ensure that a Referral to Staff entry is made so that NetCIL Client can alert the appropriate staff member about the request. NetCIL IRLog will automatically write an open service request whenever a Referral to Staff record is written. All Referral records for which the Completion Date is blank will be considered to be open referrals, but will still be included in the services section of ACCES VR.


It should be noted that Section IV (I), Information and Referral, represents a special case to the NetCIL Client database.  As described at the beginning of this document, when a new person is entered, their Contact Type defaults to Information and Referral. Setting their contact type to Information and Referral does not however represent the provision of a service. In order for this person to be included in the Information & Referral service section of ACCES VR, at least one Information & Referral service must be selected in either the Notes or Referral form of NetCIL Client.


You can configure your own list of services through the NetCIL Manager under the Services section of the Config tab. List as many as you wish in a consumer’s profile.  In order for these services to be properly recorded on the ACCES VR report, each must be associated with a standard State category.  


ACCES VR Narrative Section:


In order to assist you with completion of the ACCES VR narrative section, the NetCIL Client application can assemble notes from all relevant Goals, Projects, Events, and Work Log entries and merge them into a Microsoft Word document for editing.  To initiate this function, select Narrative Report from the NetCIL Client Main menu.  All of the following transactions will be output:


1.      Community Goals with a Start Date before the end of a reporting period, and an End Date within the date range of a report, or a blank End Date, which indicates that the Community Goal is on-going.

2.      Events that fall within the reporting period.

3.      All Work Log entries that fall within the date range of the report and which are associated with a goal, project, or event.

4.      All other Projects and Events that are not associated with a Goal, and which fall within the date range of the reporting period.

5.      All Work Log entries that are not associated with an Event or a Project, and which fall within the date range of the reporting period.


The NetCIL Client database allows you to associate Goals, Projects, and Events in any combination that you wish.   When a Narrative Report is generated, Goals will be output in alphabetical order, and grouped with notes about Events and Projects that are associated with them.


ACCES VR 2013 Reporting Changes – Services by Funding Source



Changes to ACCES-VR reporting in FY2013 now require ILCs to differentiate services – both direct and systems advocacy - by funding source. In order to minimize the burden on you and your staff, the following data collection scheme provides you with a relatively simple way to record the requisite information while satisfying the new reporting requirements.


Below is a sample section of the FY2013 ACCES-VR report. Note that consumers need to be reported as having been served with ACCES-VR funding, other funding, or multiple funding:





A few very simple steps will allow you to configure your data. If you follow these procedures, the NetCIL Manager application will be able to calculate the requisite values for the new report.  Here’s what to do:


1.       Ensure that you are running NetCIL Client Version 1.3 or higher. If you’re not, you can install it directly from our website at: - Or call us; we’ll be happy to assist you with the update. If you are using NetCIL on an Amazon cloud server, your system has been automatically updated.


2.       While logged on to NetCIL Client (the blue icon on your desktop) as a Level 10 user, go to the Database window from the Main form:



3.       Open the Grant Codes table.



  1. Ensure that you have at least one record where the value in the Grant Code field contains the value ACCES-VR. In the Accounting Code field, enter a value – For your own reference purposes, the value can be the amount of funds from ACCES-VR that are allocated to the provision of direct and indirect (systems advocacy) services. You can have more than one record if you wish, as long as the value ACCES-VR is contained in the Grant Code field. If you have funding from other sources that are used to provide services, enter those amounts in the Accounting Code field as well. It’s only necessary to enter a value in the Accounting Code field; the entries will be used to calculate normalized values. They do not have to reflect the actual amount of funding that you’re using. For the purposes of ACCES-VR reporting, grant records with a blank value in the accounting code field will be ignored. In the case of grants where only a portion of the total grant is used to provide services, enter only that portion. For example, if your agency has a $100,000 Medicare grant for home care services, but $75,000 of that amount is used to pay the salaries of home care workers, enter $25,000 to reflect the amount of the grant that’s used to pay the salaries of your staff members who provide other Medicare-related services to consumers.

5.       If all of your services are provided by ACCES-VR, you’re done. No other configuration is needed. For the provision of direct services, reporting software logic will assume that consumers are served using ACCES-VR available funding sources unless you tell the database otherwise.


6.       If any of your consumers are served using a single funding source or multiple funding and you’ve listed multiple funding sources in step 4, please instruct your staff to provide the following additional information:


7.       Open the consumer’s record in the People form.


8.       Open the Grants form using the “$Grants/Progs” button as shown below.


9.       Enter the Grant/Program value from the dropdown list, and specify an intake date. As long as the Inactive Date is left blank, software will assume that the individual is being served using funds from the specified grant.


10.   You can enter other grants as desired, but only records that have non-zero or non-blank values in the Accounting Code field of the Grant Codes table (as explained in step 4) will be considered when calculating report values.





At present, according to ACCES-VR, the reporting of systems advocacy effort will also need to distinguish between funding sources; If your agency uses the Work Log functions of NetCIL, reporting logic will be able to make a simple calculation for you that will apportion systems advocacy effort as a ratio of available funding.


NetCIL Manager versions 1.80 and higher contain the updated reporting logic that is required for your 2013 ACCES-VR report submission.


Please refer questions about ACCES-VR reports to Bob Gumson and Fred Ayres; if any of you need assistance with or have questions about configuration, please contact us. Technical support contact information is always available on our website at:




For more information on any of the topics covered in this document, please refer to the NetCIL Client User’s Manual. A current copy of the manual is available from our website by following this link:


For additional assistance please contact ed2c technical support toll-free at (888) 678-0683 x0 or by sending e-mail to