NetCIL Service Configuration


Applies to:  NetCIL Manager


Updated: 7/30/2012


The NetCIL database allows your agency to track as many (or as few) services as you wish.  For the sake of compatibility with RSA reporting requirements, it’s recommended that you use at least the list of twenty-three services that are recognized by RSA. These services can be found in your file server in the table “ISService Codes”, and should not be modified.

A default NetCIL file server comes equipped with 23 agency codes, each of which has the same name as its corresponding RSA code. You can edit the list of services that are tracked by your agency by using NetCIL Manager and selecting Config…Services from the main menu.

The “Service” column can be edited to any service name that is meaningful to your agency. The “RSA / 704” column indicates how that service will be reported to RSA. In a like manner, if you must report to a state agency like New York ACCES-VR or California DoR, be sure to associate each of your agency’s services with the State service that most closely describes it. Your list of state services will be set automatically (and should be checked periodically) by selecting Config…Site Profile and Config…Run QC Report from the NetCIL main menu. Answer “Yes” when prompted to check your data configuration; the QC Report itself is optional, but is recommended.


Note that the list of services from the “Services” column in NetCIL Manager appears in the dropdown list of services when a transaction is recorded in NetCIL Client. The service will be reported to RSA and to your state agencies according to the corresponding columns in NetCIL Manager.

The provision of Information and Referral (I&R) services to both RSA and state agencies represent a special case. State and Federal agencies only recognize the provision of I&R services to non-consumers; as such you should only record services that are categorized as I&R when interacting with non-consumers. If it’s important for your agency to categorize the services that you provide to non-consumers, it’s recommended that you create a list of services that are prefaced with the term “I&R”, and associate those services with the RSA and State categories “Information and Referral” as shown in the example above. When you provide those services to individuals, you can them record them as you wish. Agency reports will still list them as I&R, but local reports (such as the Staff Performance Report and the Consumer Summary Report) will list all categories so that you can derive any statistic that you desire.



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