NetCIL Manager – Automated Database Backup Configuration


Updated: 10/1/2016


NetCIL Manager allows you to send an encrypted copy of your data to the ed2c backup site. The site is an ed2c-owned server that is maintained in a climate-controlled, secure location. Offsite backup allows us to assist you in case of data loss, or to assist you in data analysis. Use of the backup site is voluntary. You should always also maintain local backups of your critical data, including your NetCIL file server.

To configure automated backup, follow these steps:

  1. Install NetCIL Manager on a computer that runs continuously, like a network server. NetCIL Manager can be installed directly from the Downloads page of the NetCIL website:
  2. Ensure that NetCIL Manager is properly connected to your data, and then verify that you can transmit it to the ed2c server by selecting File…Transmit Data to ED2C as shown in the example below.

  1. After a successful send, select File… Schedule Database Backup.
  2. When prompted, enter the Windows password of the computer’s administrator account.

  1. Verify the password when prompted.
  2. Select “New” and then a time of day and a frequency to back up the data. It’s recommended that you select a time between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM, and that you back up daily.

  1. Select OK. Your task will then run automatically as long as the computer on which it has been scheduled is running at the scheduled time.


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